Beef on the Hoof

Buenos Aires – If your town has never hosted the Cow Parade, you simply don’t know what you’re missing. Starting seven years ago with events in Chicago and New York, this art and fund-raising event has gone worldwide, having been hosted in a multitude of cities around the globe. This year, Buenos Aires is one of the select few sites. The basic idea – an art competition amongst local artists, designers, and architects in the designated city, to take a plain white cow statue and turn it into something that evokes the locale. I’m not exactly clear where the fund-raising comes in, I can’t imagine there are sufficient sales of t-shirts, mugs, etc., to have raised amounts like $3 million in Chicago, but who knows? The money goes to local charities, often those that have an artistic aim, like art programs in schools or for the elderly. Here in Buenos Aires, it began a couple of weeks ago, and I think there are roughly 70 cows on display throughout the two sides of Puerto Madero. I’ve lassoed a select few as eye candy to brighten your day.

Cow showing its cuts of meatTechnicolor cow
Let My People Go - the Pharoah CowCow from the North Country
Jungle CowCow Matron, all madeup and nowhere to go
Nothing like a good ole guitar playin’ cowHenry just liked this green cow with cartoon figures
Tango Cow


3 thoughts on “Beef on the Hoof

  1. I remember it in NYC as well, just didn’t pay all that much attention to it when it was there. There’s always so much in the world of art and philanthropy going on in the city that things, even painted cows on the streets, disappear into the background! Here, they stand out.

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