More Electronic Reading

As some portion of the world seems to move more and more into the electronic reading world, the opportunities keep opening up. So in addition to my dictionary being available via Kindle (link in right-hand column), for those of you who have one (or on iPhone or iTouch with the Kindle application installed), as I noted last week, the folks there at Amazon have added a section called Kindle Blogs. Now, this blog is already available free, for anyone with internet access, so I don’t expect that Amazon’s offer is going to be a hugely enticing way to read it – plus, of course, all the lovely photographs will be converted to grainy greyscale (see how attractive I’m making it sound?) – but, I know some folks already who basically don’t read anything anymore unless they get it on their Kindle or other reader. So for those of you for whom that’s true, and who don’t mind shelling out US$1.99 a month, it is available to have delivered to you as I update it. And hey, I get a whopping 59¢ of that, so think of the financial support you’ll be providing!


3 thoughts on “More Electronic Reading

  1. im surprized they give bloggers that much, 59 cents. not that you dont deserve it and more. that actually has the potential to make someone lots of money. 1000 people isnt a lot out of the millions in the world. that would be 59 bucks. if you became the naked chef, you could see your kindle numbers zoom !

    1. If I became the naked chef they’d close us down!


      I’d love it if 1000 people subscribed, but my bet is it will end up being about 6. Still, pays for my coffee and medialunas one morning a month….

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