Searchin’ for my lost shaker of salt

Key West – A little “Margaritaville” and a lost shaker of salt seem as good a place as any to start off this blog. I’m going to use the “diary” section of this for non-food, wine & spirits stuff where I just feel like posting something about my day. I’ve been down here for two days looking at properties, with an eye towards opening some sort of wine bar/casual cafe on the island. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising, but prices here, like many other places, have skyrocketed. A small building that 3-4 years ago sold for about $500,000 is on the market for $1.3 million, and isn’t in as good of shape as it was then! Rentals have likewise headed to the heavens. My major goal was just getting out of New York City aftere 23 years, leaving my future options open. I’ve loved Key West for many years, vacationing here, and often fantasized about moving here. I may have waited too long. We shall see. Many more places to explore before making a final decision. I decided to let myself be a “citizen of the world” (my family and many friends, I think, think of it as “unemployed and homeless”, but what do they know) and take some time to explore before settling on a place to settle.


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